Wigs and Toupees bound for Glutmeir’s Wig Emporium, Keeton’s Road, Southwark St Olave, London
Updated: Jul 27, 2024

1. The Austerlitz Pompadour in flaxen, chestnut and pearl — 15s/-
2. Dr. Vanheim’s Jaunty Spiral — 4s/2d
3. The Moravian Weave — 8s/4d
4. Two fine examples of the Harris Fan — 8s/-
5. Greffenbach’s Teutonic Page-Boy– 6s/4d
6. The Bluenberg Explosion in powdered Calcium — 7s/2d
7. Lord Huppenbee’s Naughty Spaniel — 9s/2d
8. Litten’s Wandering Mane — 12s/-
9. Six Hunter’s Gale Busters — 14s/4d
10. Penelope Winscott’s Howling Folly — 10s/2d